
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pizza Hut adventure

hi all, the next day after Bora, we ( me & cuna) went to eat @pizza hut, Tesco. mayb coz of puasa there are just 2-3 workers there. So need to wait for a very long time for them to give us the menu and take our order..merana maaa...tgh kelaparan nk berbuka puasa. Well these are the pics of our meal in Pizza Hut:

Setelah lame menunggu dgn perut kosong akhirnya dpt air ngn chicken soup....but where's the spoon?

bersabar menunggu sudu tp prut dh berbunyi...huhuhuhu

yg di tunggu sudu tp dpat roti bawang putih...huhuu..xpe atlis dh blh mkn dh cicah roti ngn sup.

akhirnya dpt gak la sudu...lege dpt mkn... xD

xlame pas2 main course smpi..menarik kn spagetti nih...lg menarik rase die "exotic arabaita(or arabiata) spagetti".....sdap..ltak cm ayam tandoori..fuh...marvelous..(btw b4 gmb nih aku dh rasmi dulu spagetti tu..kate QA....kene test sume..hikhik)

ni pizza die thai chicken..menarik gk kn...bie tgk rase nk mkn lg jek(nmpk ape pon nk mkn lg...xp)

so ape lag start la mkn.. appetizzer dulu pls...xp

ha xcaye pizza tu sdap tgk gmb bwh nih..bertali-tali ..nikmat dunia...hehe...muke blh masuk iklan pizza hut x?

Maka abis la edisi mkn2 for ari nih.... prut konyang...hati senang..:P  :-

ps:-  sume komen ini atas cita rasa penulis ye...nnt jgn ckp aku tipu plak klo korang rase xsdap.. wasalam


wani ezryl * said...

ha a si QA mmg kerja dia testing testing hari2 dia buat testing hahaha

myooh said...

haha..mest la test sume.. bidang keje baru die ceburi... excited XD

dEe said...

aah la. muka ko leh msuk iklan pizz. esp ms cheese pjg tu.. haha..