Finally for the first time in my life doin the makeover and yesss it's RMK makeover. Once again Miu from Plusizekitten was sooo kind to let her blog readers and followers to experience a complimentary makeover and also take home personalized RMK samples by just simply print out the poster below!

And tell me 5 good reasons why I should not grab this great opportunity to try out RMK product by myself? Of course I'm the one who is really really excited when get to know bout this news :)
So on Saturday I went....opsss sorry...we went to RMK Isetan KLCC. I met Von Von there. Hi Von Von! No pic with Von Von as her husband was also there. So i was shy shy cat. hehehe.

My sad face before the makeover session. I tell u what. Please bare a bit with my entry this time coz there's gonna be a lot of pics ever with a lot of pose that i never put here before :D So if you all wanna vomit please hold on for a while ok. wehehehe
As usual fill in details. I'm expert already doin this. Lilian the RMK makeup artist standing there. To my surprise Lilian still remember me and Meor coz last time we already met at Stila counter, maybe just once or twice. She's as friendly as before :)

My nervous face before the makeover! Hahaha. This is my first time lohh. Please don't laugh at me okay!

Okay here I will tell step by step on what goin to happen to my face. Oh btw my face is not smooth and I also got uneven skin tone.
First of all put on the base makeup. Of course i nvr put on my face before coz i just put on my face powder and zassss go out. But i really like this base makeup as my skin looks soo smooth and glowing. hehehe. No more uneven skin tone.

Next, put on the eye shadow cream (i think so) and foundation. Luv their foundation too.

And next part is the part that i never thought to do so for the rest of my life. hahaha. Use the eye lashes curler (is it? i also not sure) Feel weird a bit. Dunno how to use it properly but I like the result. Continue with mascara.

Okay done for my left eyes. Right eye not yet. Can see the difference or not? Me so likey! Oh btw Lilian apply natural makeup on my face. All earth colour one.

Then move to right eye. Put on the eye brow liner. My eye brows quite serabut (can see my serabut eye brows in pics above) and suddenly tadaaaaa. Already transformed by Lilian.

Next eye liner. Another part that I'm not expert to do. Other than using the eyelashes curler, for me it's just makes my eyes hurt. But Lilian do it perfectly ;)

Put on mascara for my right eye. It's quite difficult to settle down my right eye lashes. Lilian need to adjust for a few times. I also got the same problem too. Dunno why.

Almost done. Put on blusher.

Last touch up. Remove my gloss and put RMK lip gloss. I like the gloss too. Almost all lip gloss i like. lol. And the result is.....

Tadaaaaaa....Can see the transformation or not? I can see and also feel it! Took pic with Lilian. She's look so cool. Can still pose with me even she's really bz on that day (psssttt...right after me there's already people waiting for the makeover. Lilian said by the time I came she already got almost 30 appointments for the free makeover session). Lilian was sooooooooo nice and friendly. Not like other SA like I've met before loh.

I forgot to take pic right after the makeover. Huhu.
Before and After

We took LRT to go back and it's raining outside (psstt i like when it's raining coz i'm goin to miss someone :P ) Uhh somebody is taking my pic.

So must give special pose then. Hehehe. Ohhh i really luv my 1st makeover. Correction. It's a mini makeover. Mini makeover??I dunno how it will be if I do the full make over *fainted* Surely I can be more over than I am now *evil laugh*

Pose with a guy behind the camera. Meor took so many pics so I don't want to waste them :) Eh this pic looks cacat a bit.

This one quite ok. I really really loveeee my makeup.

At first shy shy cat to give pose.

Then, cannot help it anymore. Hahahaha. Oh as I'm so lazy to edit all these pics so i just put as I like okay :)

I really luv to see my skin at this time. Also dunno how to describe the feeling. But i'm sooooooooo happy la. The eyelashes too. No need to put on fake eyelashes already look nice. Whatever it is i luv every inch of the makeup on my face ;)

One happy face!

Another one happy face! He's more happier than me ^__^

Last pose with my fiance, Meor ( wahhh for the 1st time i type it here :D)

Samples that I've got from Lilian after the makeover session. Yayyyy. More samples!!

Overall the mini makeover was soooo awesome! I really really enjoy it. Lilian did a great job on the makeup. Thanks to Miu for allowing me to experience myself on RMK products. Thanks a lot babe. Look like I need to put RMK base makeup in my wish list now. I'm sooo lovin it (^___^)
p/s: Anyone there already vomit after reading my post? don't worry as it will never happen again after this. hehehe