Tak de yang menarik sangat pun. Satu ni Dermalogica Clean Start. Boleh redeem Clean Start preview pack. Tak tau la nak pergi redeem ke tak coz kena pergi amik kat spa die. Kang diperangkapnye aku jenuh tak tau nak lari camne.
Lagi satu from Mabelle. Free gifts for Opening Specials...Travel size of Daily Milk Cleanser. Got promotion free lipstick or nail vanish worth RM60 with purchase of any 2 Mabelle skincare.
Vichy lagi. Samples nye exactly like Cleo Oct issue punye. Bi-White Reveal Essence and New Whitening Night Cream.
And the last one still the same from Montagne Jeunesse Masque. Exactly like in Cleo Sept issue but places to redeem are different.
Last but not least ade MAC workshop (sorry, gambar memang adalah sangat blur. malas nak snap balik). RM30 per participant and limited to 25 readers to email them. It is on the same day as Good Skin Lab workshop which is on 14th Nov. sighhh. I choose to go to Good Skin Lab workshop.
Cite extra: Pagi semalam sampai ofis around kul 9 senyum sorang2 baca sms Dee. Boleh tanya aku pagi2 kul 7 lebih tu, dalam Cleo Nov ada freebies ape. Time tu dok sedap tido lagi. Huahuahua. Ingatkan nak tanye ape la kan. Bikin suspens saje. Ko cam tau2 je kan aku beli Cleo. Bijak bijak ;P
aku kan hebat. hahaha. ko kn rajin meredeem, so aku tnya ko la pe yg best utk diredeem. klo ade yg best, aku bli la cleo, klo tak best mls nk beli..hehe. btw,kul 7 lbh tu aku da otw ke keje. ko tdo lg? dasat2.
I no luck in redeem always person not around or stuff no more. Or the location is limited for redeem
huhu..aku lg sedih...
dok taiping...
satu hape pun xleh redeem...
nyampah ngan ko...
next time ko tlg redeem kan utk aku bleh???
Dee: Hehehe. Last2 ko beli ke idak Cleo nye Dee? Ermm aku biase la kuat tido. Bangun pagi lagi la liat :P
Sherry: Me too. But if the person not around i keep comin until i can get those freebies :D I've got a lesson for past experience, so need to go redeem as early as i can as free things always finish very fast punya.
Iza: Nak aku tolong redeem kan utk ko? Nak redeem freebies aku pun dah cukup tebal muke ni. Hahahaha. Ko tnggu la cuti sekolah. Time tu baru beli mag and redeem puas2. Ok tak idea aku?
aku tak beli sbb ko ckp tade yg best utk diredeem.
Erkk tapi still boleh diredeem n try kot2 sesuai 4 ko. Maybe tak best for aku. Sebab 2 drpdnya mende yang sama n aku dah pernah redeem
oh women weekly pon dh kua.. ape lg beli la...hehehe
oh dh beli dh pon..haha..sok amik tau..
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