Samsung S760
I always look at dis camera each time i passed by that shop. Coz it's in blue man! Really luv blue colour. The price RM499. But I just wait patiently until the time come. Hehe actually dun have enough budget or the best words r ady spent for other things ;P Until one day i passed by dat shop again n they were having clearance sale. So it's became RM399. I was like emmm...tak boleh jadi go n survey other shop to see the price. N damn, dat guy said it's an old model. Use 3a battery sum more. I want rechargable one. All this while I thought it uses rechargable battery. bad la. I really like the color. So,,,,,rejected. sob sob. Then the SA keep promoting one by one cam to me. Ohhh i was trapped in there ady. Huhu. Pls dun blame me if anything happen.

Fuji Z33 3m Waterproof
This cam really stylish, cool n what else...emmm...maybe sporty. Waterproof sum more. So can baling baling into water :D Suddenly I fall in luv with its green color. But........the price RM999 (if i'm not mistaken). If i'm rich surely buy dis one. Too xpensive can't afford loh.

Samsung ES55
Recommended by the SA coz easy to use. Erkkk but dun hav blue color. Pink? I dun really like pink. Sorry to 'pink' fans. But if still have other choices pink will b the last one i'll take. dis one cost RM599. The SA said it's promo on dat day. If come next week RM599 no more. Dunno whether he lied to me or not coz nvr come back n check after that.

Samsung i8
The blue is soooo nice. so soft. N again the price RM699. Damn. I really want it. Can watch video lagi. So slim. Arghhh if i din buy stila maybe can grab this one for me :( It's in blue color man.

This is also one of digi cam dat i've aimed to buy. Recommended by my brother coz he used it n he is quite good in comparing d qualities. At dat time he bought around RM699 i think. So passed. Not in my budget yet. Continue using my 'ayam brand' hphone camera. sob sob. But after asked to the SA he said Kodak got some prob in providing repairing services if sumting happen to dat camera. owhh then rejected again!

Opppsss i did it again!Dang! I bought ES55 on the spot!! Not really on the spot. Rush to nearest ATM 1st n korek2 money from there. Not even plan to buy it on that day. Another crazy thing I've made after Stila. Sigh. Not a big hole in my pocket any more. No more pocket coz the hole is so big until dun look like a pocket. Huhu. I also dunno what i'm talking bout ady;P

See. Just a small box but the paper bag really big like i bought 1o boxes. lol.

Ok here is my new digi cam which i've accidentally bought :D nvr plan to buy it on dat day. Really crazy! Dunno whether i've made a right decision or not coz i nvr surveyed properly b4 dat. I know it's in gray color. This model only got 3 colors. Pink, black n gray. Dun hav choice. No blue. sob sob. So how? What do u think? Anyone can give comment on my new digi cam? Anyone?Anyone? Pls leave comment here if u read dis entry. Help2! tq in advance. huhu.

cuna, for 10.2 megapixel, i think it's a great buy.. @_@ but if u buy in other unique color, it will look cuter, hahhaha =D my digicam i bought 2 yrs ago, olympus 8 megapixel only but cost around rm800+++ T-T sob2
suda dibeli rite? knp mau mnta pdpt lg? kang nnt klo org komen tak best, kang ko nyesal lak. btw, tu kamera pkai ms wedding palee ke?
nk 1..hehe
Ayna: Yeahh...dats y lar. I want blue color. But need to take other model dat surely more xpensive. huhu. pink look unique but i dun really like pink. kan best kalau bleh cat my digi cam. keke. eh olympus? quality sure gempak kn?me?out of budget. can u put ur cam in ur blog? wanna see it!
Dee: yup. sudah dibeli. Saje nk tau opinion org. Kalau komen xbes aku paham. Sbb aku pun xsurvey betul2 dulu. No turning back. Just 4 fun. Mase wedding palee pinjam kamera adik aku.
Izza: Alaaa ko kan dh ade banyakk. mintak je kat cik mal. 10 die bagi ;P
cuna, i x tau mcm ne nak amek gambar digicam i, hehehhe =P so i bg link gambar die je ek, hahahha
exactly this model tp my digicam color pink, wink2 =P
ayna, i dah agak dah mesti ur cam kaler pink punye. huhu
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